You Have Entered Kufir's Realm
The War Wizards Guild
War Wizard Information
War Wizards are technically a fighting guild, augmented with earth magicks to assist them in combat. War Wizards utilize a very strong special combat technique in tandem with stoneskins, a layer spell that deflects damage. War Wizards also have a holding spell to keep their enemies in place. Members of this guild are typically the first line of attack for any army.

Alignment: Any
Deities allowed: Any

Location of Guild: From Giant Oak go 4n, nw, 2n, u, 3n, tower

NOTE: War Wizards were recently changed. Here is the information:
Maul changed to also allow for sharp weapons. Vulcanian Hammer and Stone Hammer combined into one spell, handling both sharp/blunt advancements and 1/2 handed weapons.

War Wizard Skill Trees:
Fighting - 225
Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Blunt - 400
Magic - 150

Guild Changes:
Fri Jun 26, 2009 - Leonidad - War Wizard - Maul changed to also allow for sharp weapons. Vulcanian Hammer and Stone Hammer combined into one spell, handling both sharp/blunt advancements and 1 or 2 handed weapons.
War Wizard Advancements

My deepest thanks to Sabaton for his assistance in providing both plans and insights into the inner workings of the war wizard guild. Additional thanks to Alaedra for her advancement plan and information on her website. Alaedra's website can be found by clicking here.

The path a war wizard must take is pretty much straight-foward, and the plan provided gives a good glimpse into the working of the war wizard guild.