Advancement Guidelines & Information.
Advancement is a way for players to turn expierence and money (both coins and gems) into skills.
Advancement is done inside your guild, usually in the room with your 'Guild NPC'. Your guild options
are based off of the skills you advance. So if Fanar is a Fighter, and has the attack command 'Strike'
that bases its damage off of Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp and Fighting.Offensive.Special, then if
Fanar wanted to have a good 'Strike' ability he would max his Fighting skil tree for those two skills.
To correctly max for a skill you need to 'Overmax' it.
To overmax a skill you need to understand a little how advancing works. To see what you can advance when
you are in your guild's main room (with the guild npc) type 'cost all' this will give you a list of skills
you can advance as well as the 'maximum' level you can advance each to. When Fanar first joins the Fighters
guild with a fighting skill of 5, he can not go right to advancing Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp, (or f.o.m.s).
Skills are broken down into tiers, the deeper you go, the more granular they get. Therefore when we take our
Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp skill, we can break it down into a fourth tier skill (Tier 1: Fighting, Tier 2:
Offensive, Tier 3: Melee, Tier 4: Sharp). The logical way to think of this is that your Sharp skill is a type of
Melee, your Melee is an Offensive tactic and in general we are talking about your Fighting ability or skill.
To advance a skill that is a tier below another skill, the skill above it must be at least 5 levels greater than the skill above it.
So to advance Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp, Fanar would need to advance fighting to 5, then Fighting.Offensive to 10,
then Fighting.Offensive.Melee to 15. After doing each of these three advancements, Fanar could then advance Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp.
When you advance a skill, it advances any skills in the tiers below it. So if Fanar wanted the highest Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp
he could get, he would advance Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp to max, then Fighting.Offensive.Melee to max, then Fighting.Offensive
to max, then Fighting to max. (To give you an example: if all these skills go to 400, and Fanar did exactly what I just mentioned,
his Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp would end up around 1100 out of 400.) However, Fanar does not just want Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp,
he wanted Fighting.Offensive.Special (or f.o.s) too. So to get the best Fighting.Offensive.Special and Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp,
Fanar would advance like this: Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp, Fighting.Offensive.Melee, Fighting.Offensive.Special, Fighting.Offensive,
Fighting. (it does not matter if Fanar does Fighting.Offensive.Melee or Fighting.Offensive.Special first) The idea is to keep all your maxxed
skills below the unmaxxed skills.
Now you might be thinking to yourself, 'Wait! How did Fanar end up with a skill above the "maximum" level?'. The answer to this
is our concept of 'Overmaxing'. At each skill tier, advancing that skill will result in advancing all skills below it. Therefore, in our example, when Fanar
advanced Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp to 400, his skill in Sharp was at 400 (the "maximum" for a Fighter based on their Fighting
skil tree). However, as soon as Fanar moved on to the next part in the advancement and advanced Fighting.Offensive.Melee to 400, for every
level he advanced in Fighting.Offensive.Melee, another level was added to his Sharp skill, thus beginning the 'overmaxing' process for
Fanar's Fighting.Offensive.Melee.Sharp skill.
I know this all seems a little confuzing, but its really easy once you get the hang of it. Also, if you want to plan out your max in advance,
to see what skills you will end up with there is Epicar's Advancement Planner.