Priest Information
Priests are blessed with a vast array of spells and abilities, empowered from their absolute
faith in their god. Such is their devotion that masters of their craft can actually bring
fallen allies back from the dead. Their holy devotion also allows them to perform blessings and
enhancements to themselves, those around them and even onto items. Devout in every way, master
priests can call upon the wrath of the heavens to smite their enemies, while in the next breath
call upon the protection of the heavens to surround them in near impenetrable defenses.
Priests can train in their devotion to their holy god though a myriad of paths, thus making
master priests as diverse as the holy gods they worship. To walk the path of a master priest,
one must be willing to focus their faith.
Alignment: Good Deities allowed: Barbizon, Eliatha, Mahar, Severan, Yavanna or Yondalla
Location of Guild: From Lirath West Gate go w, 6nw, 2n, 3w, 4n, 3e, s, 3e, 2s
Guild Changes: - Thu Jan 10, 2008 - Sabreur - Priests, Shamans, and Clerics who raise at the shrine of their deity will no longer lose any levels. To restate, only those three guilds, and only at the shrine of their own deity will get a perfect raise from the shrine. The raise remains unchanged for the rest. - Fri Jan 25, 2008 - Leonidad - Unholy Enchant and Sanctify changed to allow for the maximum bonus available to several races rather than just one, allowing for more races to enchant weapons at peak levels. Attack power is capped, ala Blaze. Priest Advancements
My deepest thanks to Sarkkan and Pontius for their assistance in providing both plans and insights into the inner workings of
the priest guild and its multitude of variations. While their are many paths for a priest to take, i have provided the paths
that these two priests have taken.
The Newbie Guild:
Train Fighting, Faith, Vitality & General to 5.
The Priest Guild:
Faith.Spells - 10
Faith.Spells.Defensive - 15
Faith.Spells.Curing - 15
Faith.Spells.Offensive - 15
Faith.Spells.Offensive.Target - Max
Faith.Spells.Defensive.Self - Max
Faith.Spells.Curing.Area - Max
Soul Skinner 10 times
5+ levels lost from deaths
Remax Offensive.Target, Defensive.Self, Curing.Area
Faith.Spells.Defensive - Max
Faith.Spells.Defensive.Target - Max
Faith.Spells.Special - Max
Faith.Spells - Max
Faith.Spells.Curing.Self - Max
Faith.Spells.Curing - Max
Faith.Spells.Offensive - Max
Faith.Spells.Misc.Self - Max
Faith - Max
Faith Subs - Max
Sarkkan's Comments:
Priest Temple -
South of Amador in the Abbey (northeast-ish after ‘hack brush’)
The Newbie Guild:
Train Fighting, Faith, Vitality & General to 5.
The Priest Guild:
Faith.Spells - 10
Faith.Spells.Offensive - 15
Faith.Spells.Defensive - 15
Faith.Spells.Offensive.Target - Max
Faith.Spells.Defensive.Self - Max
Soul Skinner 10 Times
Remax Offensive.Target, Defensive.Self
Faith.Spells.Special - Max
Faith.Spells.Offensive - Max
Faith.Spells.Defensive - Max
Faith.Spells - Max
Faith - Max
Faith Subs - Max
Pontius's Comments:
Priest Temple -
South of Amador in the Abbey (northeast-ish after ‘hack brush’)