You Have Entered Kufir's Realm
The Pirates Guild
Pirate Information
This tightly-knit group of misfits will knock you out and pilfer your belongings without so much as a blink of an eye. Even the poorest smuggler is taught deadly combat techniques. Pirates are often seen drunk and it has been known for a Pirate to attack, board, pillage and plunder ocean-going vessels. If you are unfortunate enough to be aboard such a vessel, you might even find yourself thrown overboard. Although better suited for surprise attacks, Pirates can handle most combat situations.

Alignment: Evil
Deities allowed: Any

Location of Guild: From Nearing Iapages Entrance go - 2ne, 11e, n

Pirate Skill Trees:
Fighting - 300
Covert - 150

Pirate Advancements

My deepest thanks to Kalibarr for his detailed information on the pirates guild at his website. Kalibarr's website can be reached by clicking here.

The path a pirate must take is fairly straight-foward with a few quirks along the way. The plan provided gives a good glimpse into the working of the pirate guild.