You Have Entered Kufir's Realm
The Occultists Guild
Occultist Information
Occultists have completely perfected the dark arts. Being devoted to their Dark Gods, there are few things they cannot accomplish. Occultists are known to be able to specialize in certain areas to make better use of these dark powers. One of the most feared Occultist spells is their ability to trap a soul, preventing an enemy from taking action to defend themselves. Occultists are able to bring forth most effects imaginable, and as such are well-suited for combat, though their weak layer spell makes it difficult to survive for long without supplementary defenses from their allies.

Alignment: Evil
Deities allowed: Grummsh, Ilneval, Armagor, Lolth, Nameless One, Vhaeraun, Yoglhu, or Yurtrus

Location of Guild: From Cliff Face go u, se, 3e, d, 3e, n, drink blood, 2e, light candle

Occultist Skill Trees:
Occult - 300
Fighting - ?

Guild Changes:
- Fri Jan 25, 2008 - Leonidad - Unholy Enchant and Sanctify changed to allow for the maximum bonus available to several races rather than just one, allowing for more races to enchant weapons at peak levels. Attack power is capped, ala Blaze.
Occultist Advancements

My deepest thanks to Kalibarr for his detailed information on the occultists guild at his website. Kalibarr's website can be reached by clicking here.

The path a occults must take is rittled with choices and deviations for specialized masteries. The plans provided give a good glimpse into the working of the occultist guild.

Kalibarr's Notes:
- Scythe of the Abyss located at Black Dragon in the Abyss. Black Dragon is loacted 2 north from the NPC "Kira"

- Demon Carcass (components) is located at "The Shrine of the She-Demon", eastish from Kira. (move curtain, touch statue, kill NPC "Marilith)

- Halls of Decision are located south and east of the Roving Castle. Look for the Mirror Room with a Tavern exit. The other exits are all traps.

- CL can "Enter Castle" at the Roving Casting to get into their org. (3 north, move curtain, 3 up, north, northeast, northwest)
Enter/Touch Mirror to exit back to the Occultist's Clearing. enter statue, in, in returns you if you are in CL

- Summon Speed Demon caps at either 12 or 16 layers. The more dex, int and evil you are, the better. It runs off of summoning, brewing and enchanting.

- Venomous Scythe found on Corinthet in Hylar.

- "Hell Minion" quest spell: Go to Corinthet in Hylar with your Occult.Spells.Summoning of 75+
say "teach me hell minion" (it is an area xp spell)