My deepest thanks to Kalibarr for his detailed information on the occultists guild at his website.
Kalibarr's website can be reached by
clicking here.
The path a occults must take is rittled with choices and deviations for specialized masteries. The plans provided give
a good glimpse into the working of the occultist guild.
Kalibarr's Notes:
- Scythe of the Abyss located at Black Dragon in the Abyss. Black Dragon is loacted 2 north from the NPC "Kira"
- Demon Carcass (components) is located at "The Shrine of the She-Demon", eastish from Kira. (move curtain, touch statue, kill NPC "Marilith)
- Halls of Decision are located south and east of the Roving Castle. Look for the Mirror Room with a Tavern exit. The other exits are all traps.
- CL can "Enter Castle" at the Roving Casting to get into their org. (3 north, move curtain, 3 up, north, northeast, northwest)
Enter/Touch Mirror to exit back to the Occultist's Clearing. enter statue, in, in returns you if you are in CL
- Summon Speed Demon caps at either 12 or 16 layers. The more dex, int and evil you are, the better. It runs off of summoning, brewing and enchanting.
- Venomous Scythe found on Corinthet in Hylar.
- "Hell Minion" quest spell: Go to Corinthet in Hylar with your Occult.Spells.Summoning of 75+
say "teach me hell minion" (it is an area xp spell)