You Have Entered Kufir's Realm
The Ninjas Guild
Ninja Information
Ninja are practitioners of focussed fighting techniques, augmented with covert and mental disciplines. Ninja are given many choices along their path to martial enlightenment, which allows for effects that emulate the advantages other guilds have. This guild is not affected by silence due to the nature of mental focus. Because Ninjas can choose to master any of the three major melee combat skills, they are known as versatile, and powerful. This guild is well-suited for hunts and assassination attempts.

Alignment: Any
Deities allowed: Any

Location of Guild: From Pesvint North Gate go 9s, e, s

Ninja Skill Trees:
Fighting - 300
Covert - 200
Mental - 75

Guild Changes:
- Tue Dec 23, 2008 - Leonidad - Ninja Launch changed to run off of covert.stealth for bonus, as well as removing the ability to combo with a weapon.
Ninja Advancements

My deepest thanks to Fanar for his assistance in providing both plans and insights into the inner workings of the ninja guild. In addition I want to offer my thanks to Ezzal(Aegis) for his post on the boards regarding a detailed explination of the true versatility of the ninjas. Ninjas have a diversified list of advancements, ranging from which skills they would like to select from, to their choice of weapon to become masters of, even down to their fighting techniques, all of which both Fanar and Ezzal's post have gone a long way to assist any wishing to join the ninja ranks.