You Have Entered Kufir's Realm
The Druids Guild
Druid Information
Like Rangers, Druids are protectors of the forest. This guild is focussed entirely on invoking natural spells rather than using a strong-arm to guard and protect their beliefs and environment. Assisted by a shield, strong defensive spells, a holding spell and mediocre offensive spells, Druids aren't very well-suited for combat. Druids are able to avoid the affects of silence due to natural evocation foci. To make things worse, Druids straying even briefly from the path of neutrality are suddenly unable to cast any spells, leaving them quite vulnerable. The Druids are now a sect. of the Ranger guild.

Alignment: Neutral
Deities allowed: Gaia, Gnoss, Yannick or Deneir

Location of Guild: From Giant Oak go u, e, u, n

Druid Skill Trees:
Faith - 350
Fighting - 50

Guild Changes:
- Mon Dec 17, 2007 - Leonidad - Partial recode of Morph
- Mon May 25, 2009 - Leonidad - Druids - Will-o-wisp removed in favor of Entangle, Elemental Aura changed to degrade in protection.
Druid Advancements

y deepest thanks to Sabaton for his assistance in providing both plans and insights into the inner workings of the druid guild. The path a druid must take can be one of two ways, a morpher and a caster. The plan provided gives a good glimpse into the working of the morph path for the druid guild..