You Have Entered Kufir's Realm
The Dark Knights Guild
Dark Knight Information
The Dark Knights are a powerful group of men and women that use the dark arts to augment their special combat skills. As they approach mastery of the realms, Dark Knights are known to dedicate themselves to emulate one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse; Fear, War, Death & Pestilence. In order to do so each must seek the appropriate empowered weapon with which to invoke their true nature. Dark Knights are able to summon a Wyvern to assist them in battle, so altogether Dark Knights are excellent combatants, although most need supplementary defensive spells from allies to do well.

Alignment: Evil
Deities allowed: Grummsh, Ilneval, Armagor, Lolth, Nameless One, Vhaeraun, Yoglhu, or Yurtrus

Location of Guild: From Hylar South gate go 11n, worship altar

Dark Knight Skill Trees:
Fighting - 300
Occult - ?

Guild Changes:
- Sat Jan 26, 2008 - Leonidad - Removed War DK massacre bonus, fixed issue with Fear
Dark Knight Advancements

My deepest thanks to Zane for his assistance in providing both plans and insights into the inner workings of the dark knight guild. The path a dark knight must take splits when the dark knight decides upon the path of War, Pestilence, Death or Fear. The plan provided gives a good glimpse into the working of the dark knight guild..