You Have Entered Kufir's Realm
The Alchemists Guild
Alchemist Information
Alchemists are a group completely immersed within the elemental plane of water. So deep is their knowledge that master alchemists have evolved expertise in crafting potions to increase the mind, body and spirit. Their grand knowledge of the workings of potions, coupled with their understanding of enhancements that can be derived from them are areas of information that masters of their craft cling to tightly. While an alchemist can become a master of his craft, the path that must be taken is a very tedious one. However, those who obtain the rank are met with wealth and riches.

Having mastered the elemental plane of water, the Alchemists have learned how to create potions to assist allies to balance out any situation. Imbued with a powerful holding spell, a throwing special combat technique, a powerful armour enchant spell and a potion that provides for them a layer source, they are prepared for just about anything. Alchemists are also able to throw intentionally misbrewed concotions at their opponents to weaken them. This guild is best suited in a support role, but is well-equipped to be a versatile combatant.

Alignment: Any
Deities allowed: Any

Location of Guild: From Mystic Keep Drawbridge go 8s, 3sw, s, sw, s, swim down, west.

Alchemist Skill Trees:
Magic - 300

Alchemist Advancements

My deepest thanks to Aisling for her assistance in providing both plans and insights into the inner workings of the alchimest guild. The path an alchemist must take can have different variations, however the plan provided gives a good glimpse into the working of the alchemist guild..